American Poets Society
Ripoff, lie, cheating, dishonesty


I sent in a email at and I got a paper back saying that they wanted to publish it but they wanted money from me to do it. I just think it is wrong to get people's hopes up when they have been writing and finally think they made a really good poem and to bring them up and shut them back down is wrong!

Company: American Poets Society
Country: USA
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American Poets Society
Ripoff Lied, Cheated and Robbed

League Of American Poets Society
Hi im 16 yrs. Old and the league of american poets ripped me off saying they would publish my poem an that if i wanted a copy of the book it was to be published in then to send money. I havent recieved anything!

American Poets Society
Ripoff Paid For Book I did not recieve

American Poetry Society
Ripoff, unfairness

American Poets Society
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing

Famous Poets Society
Ripoff famous poets society Internet

International Society of Poets
Consumer Report

Famous Poets Society
Ripoff Hollywood California

American Poets Society
Acquired the same poem I used for Famous Poets Society and offered all the same promises

Famous Poets Society
Ripoff, Thanks for the warning... Here's what I did