American Poets Society
Ripoff Lied, Cheated and Robbed

Education & Science

I am in my second year of marrage. I treasure my husband consider myself blessed for every day I have him in my life. I can see us making it to our ten or even twenty year anniversary however any time after that I will be blessed beyond measure.

I wrote a poem that was inspired through him. I have never wrote a poem before in my life. When American Poets informed me that they liked my poem and wanted to publish it, I was excited because I was able to give my husband a gift that he can always charish. I thought I was buying a plaque with my poem titled "Our Relationship" on it. I wrote them a check which cleared my bank in AUG of 04 and I still have not received my plaque which is all I want. I even wrote them and Teresa wrote back informing that a shipment will be sent out at the end of Oct 04.

It is now the end of NOV 04 and the plaque has still not arrived. They cheated from my poem, lied about sending me my plaque that I have already bought. The American Poets Society robbed me of my poem, my gift to my husband & my money. This society I thought was a respectable company and to my disappointment a Society with our country's name has become a criminal to its own people.

I hope that this testimony will help others to relize that something that seems respectible can be cruel and dishonest. I feel the American Poets Society should be shut down and forced to provide the products that has been bought or reimburse the people they have victimized.

Company: American Poets Society
Country: USA
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Poetry America - American Poets Society

American Poets Society
Ripoff Paid For Book I did not recieve

American Poets Society
Acquired the same poem I used for Famous Poets Society and offered all the same promises

American Poetry Society
Ripoff, unfairness

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Famous Poets Society

American Poets Society
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing

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