Put My Money Back In My Account
Consumer Report


Money was taken out of my account without my knowledge and I want it put back. You had no right to go into my account because I did not sign any papers for a loan from you. Put my money back and I do intend to follow this up with my bank because I told them that you did not have my permission to access my account.

Company: Put My Money Back In My Account
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Silver Springs
ZIP: 89429
Address: PO Box 3540
Phone: 7752001525
Site: fastloanfast.com
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Uncle Sam's Money Review/GovernmentGrantsNow Co Saint George UTUS
GOVERNMENTGRANT GovernmentGrantsNow Co Uncle Sam's Money Review / This company, without my authorization, took 39.95 from my checking account. I have been unable to contact them. I sent them an email to get a refund but got no reply

USA Credit
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Palm Loan
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Money Plus Save
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Ever Private Card
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EZ Loan Protection
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My Access Benefits
They took 149.00 out of my account. Said I approved when I didn't. Did this without my verbal or written consent

American Health Advantage
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U clip coupon
Took money from my account with out my personal permission