U clip coupon
Took money from my account with out my personal permission


I applied for a loan online. The next thing I know this company takes money out of my account and said there is no refund. I did not give them any permission to take the money. I am handicapped and just needed a small loan to tie me over. I had No idea that I was going to be paying for things I didn't want and people I didn't know could just pop into my bank and take what money they wanted. I want my money back. All $36.95 of it they took it in two checks, I want one lump sum. I feel they had no reason to do this, I will report them to my bank and others, to the BBB and every one I can think of. There has to be a way of stopping these unknown rip offs. There has to be a way of stopping these people from getting into your account without your knowledge and just taking your money. PLEASE help stop rip offs.

Company: U clip coupon
Country: USA
Phone: 18003487982
Site: uclipcoupons.com
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First Bank Of Delaware
USAVE COUPONS U CLIP U SAVE COUPONS U Clip Coupon This company charged me $23.96 for an account that I didn't even know I had. Never received any confirmation of subscription or anything like that

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Rip me off

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Took 23.96 from my account without my knowledge

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Uclipcoupons.com It was a false advertisement on TV, to get on the computor and try to get a loan. I have no idea where this coupon thing came from. Andn I never submitted for the loan or anything. No authorization

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U clip coupon charged my account with out authorization

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This co. Took money from my checking account without my authorization, a total amount of $19.93. I have no idea what this co. Is or what it stands for!

Quantcast clip coupons uclip coupon took $19.93 out of my bank acct without my knowledge

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U save cp u clip coupons "stole" money from my bank account