Someone Who Said He Was A DEA Agent
Consumer Report


I made a stupid mistake. I live with my wife of over 30 years (we have a great marriage) In 2008 we sold our home and moved in with my wife's father whs has alzheimers we also have a 18 year old daughter. Life at home is very stressful. I tried to order xanax on the internet and then got a call at work (23 years at the same job) from someone saying he is a DEA agent and they were comming to work right now to arrest me because my order was found in the Dominican Republic and my only way out was to send the fine using western union who refused so he told me to use money gram and the order went through. He said he was Lt walace David 202-241-1487 i think they used a magic jack because the reverse phone number things were of little help. I had to take the money from my daughters college fund and will do anything to recover it.

Company: Someone Who Said He Was A DEA Agent
Country: USA
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