Diet Instructo
Consumer Report


Just got a head's up from my CC company that a charge of $19.65 was attempted. It had been manually entered and was attempted at 2 in the morning. After doing a bit of research we tracked down it was for DietInstructor. That's when I found this site and the numerous complaints that have just recently been posted. This needs to be escalated to a fraudulent rating because (in my case) these numbers are being manually entered.

Company: Diet Instructo
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
ZIP: 78731
Address: 3571 Far West Blvd, #189
Phone: 8778943532
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Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Vita Free - Diet-zx
Diet-zx is a rip-off to the 1st degree

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Time Warner Cable
VISA Gift Card