Just About Saving Money.com
Consumer Report


I placed with this Company for two cable boxes for $295.00 on january 16 I paid by check I call a number of times for my order and they will not answer my calls or e-mail they didnt send my oder or refund me

Company: Just About Saving Money.com
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Englewood
ZIP: 80113
Address: 3153 S. Lincoln St
Phone: 8779283928
Site: justaboutsavingmoney.com
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Time Warner Cable
Service - cable

EnergySaving.com (Energy Saving Group)
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Hometime Furniture
Took money and disappeared

Spin Office Solutions, Inc
Laura Smith then send outrageous invoive and w-9

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Factory Green
Do not deliver, do not answer factorygreen.com

Online Trade Training, LLC
Alexandria Curtis, Tim Refusing to return my refund

Bad Bad Bad Bad service - DirecPath Cable Services

Consumer Report