Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report


I was ready to send them the $20.00 they requested for my "Guaranteed Payment" of $2,997, 500.00, but I was not sure what an "Advisory Folio" was, so I looked it up on the computer and found it is investment folio. I do not invest! So then I looked up their supposedly company and discovered all of the complaints agains them. I am not sending them anything. I do feel that with all the finacial and economic troubles that everyone seems to be having now that this should be made public because I am certain there are people out there who will fall for this type of scam. Please consider making some form of public announcement before someone looses their money to these scum bags!

Company: Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Country: USA
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Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps, and Stern Payment Agent Grant Ashbury
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps, Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report

Morgan, Phelps & Stern
Consumer Report