Thred Up
Consumer Report


I sent in 46 items for consignment and they only accepted 26 so the 20 items they didn't pay me for I have valued at over $80 and they gave bogus reasons for not accepting them: stains, rips and not in their age categories. 1 item was a pair of NEW tennis shoes with tags, a Gymboree dress-valued at $25 that they said didn't adhere to their criteria. I think they took my best items home to their kids.

Company: Thred Up
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
ZIP: 94104
Address: 580 Market Street, 4th Floor
Phone: 6175759676
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Thred Up
Consumer Report

Thred Up
Consumer Report

Thred Up
Consumer Report

Thred Up
Consumer Report

Thred Up
Consumer Report

Thred Up
Consumer Report

Thred Up
Consumer Report

Thred Up
Consumer Report

Gymboree Bucks are a rip off!

Thred Up
Consumer Report