Somnapure Sleep Aid
Consumer Report


Charged $2.95 for a sample of 30 tablets. Didn't take any after all, so don't know if they work or not. I received a bottle of 60 in the mail today showing that my credit card was billed a total of $34.98!

Of course, I freaked! I called them immediately and was told that I agreed to this when I ordered the samples, and that I would receive another shipment about every two months! I did not agree to it!

I told them to stop! He said he'll give me credit for $18.00 and stop the future shipments!

Needless to say I don't believe him! I cancelled my credit card as soon as I got off the phone! IF he gives me credit, it'll work with him using the old number. It makes me so mad that I fell for this! The product may be good - they sell it at Walmart, Walgreens, CVS and others. I didn't know this, or I would have bought from them.

Thankfully, I don't need it anymore, because my husband got a device that has stopped his snoring! Yea!

Company: Somnapure Sleep Aid
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
ZIP: 37416
Address: BP 3, 4309 Distribution Drive
Phone: 8778693304
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