Consumer Report


Pulled their number from a Google search for Sony Vegas Pro Tech Support. Their number is first on the list. What I didn't no is that they have no affiliation to Sony Creative Software which is what I needed support for. Very cleverly the receptionist said they could resolve my problem but I would need to purchase a support plan. Me, thinking I was talking to Sony Tech Support, I gladly gave them my credit card numbers so I could resolve my problem. I was transferred to support tech who had to log into my computer to see what the problem was. After clicking around and making complementary conversation about what a fine machine I had he announced he could find the problem with a scan of the computer. I'm thinking wow knock your self out. After the scan he said he would be able to resolve my problem by allowing the program to make corrections to my computer registry but I would have to pay for the program. I thought great if its that simple do it to it. I'm now out $309.99 and the software they have install in my computer of course did nothing to help and it's at this point that I begin to question them about the Sony Vegas Program itself and discover that they have no affiliation what so ever with Sony Creative. Well I asked if I could get a refund and was transferred to billing who obviously fields these call all day. They of coarse would not refund all my money because services had been rendered. I got a whopping $169.99 back on my 309.99 investment. I'm sure they think the 15 minutes their Tech's spent on the phone with me was worth $140, hurriedly loading software in a computer and running unnecessary scans that will resolve nothing is a good deal for me, but I think their advertising is at the least fraudulent and their sales tactics predatory. I've learned my lesson and won't fall for this companies (Inappropriate Content Removed) again. I will file a complaint with the better business bureau and move along but wanted to voice my situation if it prevented one more person from being shtuped by these crooks

Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Margate
ZIP: 33063
Address: 5259 Coconut Creek Parkway
Phone: 9546579600, 8776869789, 8777634010, 8776070226
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