National Mitigation Corp
Consumer Report


I check everything out before going with this company. Eric Anderson said the same thing to me and was a good talker. I informed him about what happens and he said Kim and Nicole will get back though email. As of today I still cannot get a hold of anyone. No one answers, Mind is also through Bank of America.

Company: National Mitigation Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fullerton
ZIP: 92831
Address: 1519 E. Chapman Ave Unit 359
Phone: 8883086650
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National Mitigation Corp
Eric Anderson National Mitigation Corp is a Loan Modication SCAM!

National Mitigation Corp - Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson, Kim Arnhandt, Nicole Stole our money and made us desperate

National Mitigation Corp
Consumer Report

National Mitigation Corp
Consumer Report

American Loss Mitigation Consortium, Inc
Two different Companies

National Mitigation Corporation
Consumer Report

Alliance Mitigation Group
They took $2400.00 from me for loan modification & now I can't reach Eric Anderson or Michelle Cosumono nor Kim in finance Internet

Loss Mitigation Services - The National Loss Mitigation Association) Lie, Scam, Deceive, Take money, Imitate lender, False advertising

Alliance Mitigation
Heidi Hernandez they took 1500 dollars from me I did not have promising me they would help me save my house