Vapor Corp
Consumer Report


Ordered a sample kit online price was supposed to be only $4.95 for shipping and handling. Got the sampler and a charge of 99.99. Called the company. They said they would only refund $59.95
waiting for refund to appea

Company: Vapor Corp
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
ZIP: 33312
Address: 3001 Griffin Rd
Phone: 5618199812, 8884827671, 8887665351
  <     >  


Vapor Corp, ECigsupplie
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp/
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report