Embrace Home Loans, Inc
Pre-maturely ordering home appraisal, then keeping silent about it and doing nothing


On 8/27 I called Embrace Home Loans, in response to an advertisement send to me multiple times soliciting my business in refinancing my home at 5202 S. Elizabeth Ave, Springfield, Missouri. I spoke with a loan officer by the name of Daniel Hanson He set up a loan number 2140306 and a site with the application on it;. I was to download print fill out sign and return to him.

He at that time wanted to order an appraisal of the property. I was surprised since I had not even returned the application yet and he had not order a full credit report yet. The appraisal cost me $395.00; after questioning him about how soon he was ordering the appraisal, he assured me that he needed to get it started if he was to get the loan within 21 days (his timing, not mine I did not care how long it took) and I ask if it (the appraisal) would be good for which ever loan they did he assured me it would be. I gave him my bank tracking number and account number and on 8/27 he took out of my account the sum of $395.00. The next week before I had filled out the application, the appraisal guy was at my house. The appraisal was better than expected but the credit score was lower than 619 which I guess is the cut off for a conventional loan and I was told they would get a HUD, or government loan, but that I needed to fill out another application which I did and supplied all the necessary paper work; this I did immediately.

I had told Mr Hanson that I had completed a credit process where I got most of the creditors to settle and that I had paid off everything except a suit with Capital One which I was paying off at $100.00 per month this information was disclosed at the beginning of our conversation on 8/27.

I waited and waited and waited I emailed Mr Hanson and email again and email again; I noticed that the date of the appraisal had been changed on my site; I know something was wrong so I emailed again. Finally on 11/29 I was told by Mr Hanson that what happened was they needed another appraisal for the government loan that the conventional appraisal would not work and that his manager was out of the office but that he would try to get the company to cover the other appraisal, when his manager got back. OK now. I am getting upset with him all this time and he could have told me and taken care of it. I am not supposed to know that they needed another appraisal that is his job, and I had been assured that the appraisal would be good for either.

I suppose that he is licensed by the state to do business here and probably has to take CE courses as well. I am a licensed Life and Health agent with this state and I know I have to know my business and comply.

I believe this company, Embrace Home Loans, doing business at: 1001 Craig Road, Suite 260, St Louis Mo 63146 Phone number 314-569-9899 owes me the sum of $395.00 and an apology, but I would be happy with the $395.00.

One more thing I received a letter dated 12/27 with a statement of denial, which is of course because of the above happenings; but they were making it over the credit report. I don’t even know if Daniel Hanson even ever talked to his manager The letter was from their Newport, RI office.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and I sincerely hope this is not happening to other people doing business with them. I am a senior citizen, and $395.00 is a lot of money to me, while it might not be to them.

Company: Embrace Home Loans, Inc
Country: USA
Address: 1001 Craig Road Suite 260 St Louis 63146
Phone: 8003333004
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