Consumer Report


I was sent an email from a friend and didn't bother to check to make sure it was sent from a legitimate email address. Attached was a website with Dr. Oz claiming the rewards of using Garcinia Cambogia extract to aide in weight loss. I logged onto the website, watched the video and placed an order using my debit card. I have not received the product which was to have arrived within 48-72 hours. I have also received 2 phone calls from a company stating that the charge did not go through and they needed to get my information again. I didn't give it to them. The phone numbers involved in both episode are as follows: Bodywell, 866-204-1295 and Nicole Williams at 855-978-6683. Oops! My bank has refunded my money.

Company: BodyWell
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
ZIP: 33755-4041
Address: 400 Cleveland St, ste800
  <     >  


Garcinia Cambogia
Consumer Report

Garcinia Cambogia
Consumer Report

Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Garcinia Cambogia Customer Service Company
Consumer Report

Garcinia Cambogia
Consumer Report

Garcinia Cambogia
Consumer Report
Consumer Report