Source One
Consumer Report


This company stole my scooter and did not the approval to take. It was found months later in a ware house in anehiem ca, they then sent a invoice to medicare for 2800.00 for repairs needed when the the scooter was brand new

Company: Source One
Country: USA
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Scooter Store
Scooter Store

False Information

The Scooter Store
Liars, insurance fraud tx

Scooter depot
Sunny scooter bought a brand new scooter from them, broke down in less then two months. Im still waiting for them to fix it

Hatch Motor Company
They sold me a scooter charged me for registration and licence plate and have not given it to me and are giving me the run around about it. Ripoff

The Scooter Store
Robbed me of my freedom to be independant

Pride Mobility Scooter
Poor Quality and Service

Right Way ATV
Sold me a defective scooter that has never been started but needs repairs before it can start Texasa

The Scooter Store
The Scooter Store does not live up to its "mobility guarantee". Buyer beware!

Seniors On The Go Of South Jersey Inc
Consumer Report