Savings to go
Made unauthorized charges, non stop phone calls, refusal to give real contact info


I had similar experiences as others who have dealt with this company. I got roped into this scam by a telemarketer thinking I was claiming a reward for completing an online survey I had done. They said they needed my card info just to pay shipping and handling. However as soon as they had the info a recorded message that never seemed to end informed me that I was enrolled to get a free trial for a host of rewards programs and of course I could cancel at anytime. I told the live person once they came on the line that I didn't want to be a part of these programs at all. She sent me to another recording saying to follow the insturctions to cancel. It shot out multiple numbers at super fast speed that was nearly impossible to take down and said to call these numbers to cancel once my membership info came in the mail. I followed the instructions to cancel the memberships they signed me up for as soon as I got the packets in the mail. They asured me that I had canceled them all.

I didn't hear anything about it for some time and then noticed I was getting strange magizinces I never ordered and would never choose for myself in the mail. I didn't think much of it at first thinking it was just a marketing ploy trying to get us to purchase subscriptions. Then the calls from weird numbers started. They asked if we were receiving our magizines and statisfied. Each time I told them that I did not want the magizines, I didnt know where they were coming from and I wanted them to stop coming and to please make sure that I was removed from whatever I had been signed up for. Multiple times they told me that of course if I didn't want them they would cancel my membership before the trial period ended. And not to worry I wouldnt get anymore. The calls would still come in and I would tell them I had cancelled and they would say ok we'll make sure we update our system... We contiued to receive the magizines and I thought they were orders that had already been sent out previously. I had no way to contact them as all the numbers I called either didnt go through or led to an automated servive that required a specific confirmation number.

The calls started again and this time I spoke to someone they said was a supervisor. He didnt give me his name and he transfered me to billing to make sure they canceled my account for sure. That person insisted that he could not access my account information without my card number I had used originally. I repeatedly told him I wasn't comfortable with that and that there must be some other way. He said it was the absolute only way to make sure that I didnt get charged for anything I didnt want and not to worry he understood that I was NOT authorizing them to charge my card. I unfortunatly relented and gave him the number. Almost immediatly a charge of almost $50 posted to my account. I immediatly canceled the card to make sure nothing else could be charged to it. I was furious when I spoke to the supervisor again. I told them how I had looked them up online and knew they were scaming people and demanded a refund. He gave me a confirmation number that consisted of only four numbers which I thought was odd. And told me that I was no longer signed up and to just disregard any phone calls I might get in the future, not to worry about them because my account was cancelled and that my money would be refunded within five minutes of ending our call. I asked him for a contact number that I could call if I had questions or concerns and the line suddenly went dead. My phone said the call was ended - not that it dropped. I assume he hung up on me.

The refund didn't happen immediatly but it did eventually return to my account. So I thought I was done with them. I figured I might still get a few risidual magizines in the mail based on the very confusing information they gave me about the trial period (I hate to say it but they all had very thick accents and spoke very quickly making it hard to grasp everything they said). That was in October. I didn't recieve any more phone calls until just recently. All of a sudden I was getting calls constantly from a strange number and I just ignored them for awhile since the supervisor told me to. But they were so persistant that I finally answered solely to tell them to stop bothering me. After I told them I had already cancelled they said that although they saw that I had cancelled most of the programs a couple of the trials were still active and that they would help me cancel them before the companies assumed I still wanted to be a part of the program and charged my card. He said he was a manager and gave me a name. Since my card had already been cancelled and I really wanted to stop getting the magizines in the mail I humored them and they said all I had to do was repeat my card info they had on file which they would give to me and follow the prompt on an automated service and that I should just keep saying yes to the prompts no matter what it asked so that it could complete its cycle and at the end it would give you confirmation numbers and phone numbers that I needed to call with these confirmation numbers to ensure I was removed completely from their system. I refused to follow the prompts once it repeated the program terms and conditions and said that by saying yes I was authorizing my card to be charged and enrolling in the program.

The live person came on again and said just to ignore what it said that it didnt matter I wasnt going to be charged anything and to stop asking questions and interupting the prompt system (I knew the card was cancelled but I didnt tell him this) He tried to get me to go through the prompt over and over getting more and more frustrated with me and becoming short with me when I told him he had to see that this was fishy and that I didn't feel comfortable saying yes to a prompt that asked if they could charge me and enroll me. I finally just hung up because the man was rude and refused to offer me any other way to ensure my account was cancelled. I had been burned by them before and no legitamite business operates this way. They called over and over again that day but I refused to pick up. Speaking to them had gotten me no where. They have been calling me multiple times everyday since. I'm considering changing my phone number and filling a harassment charge. I know they cant charge my card anymore but I worry that if I can't find a way to get them to stop sending these magizines they will try to bill me in some other way. I'm unsure what to do at this point...

Company: Savings to go
Country: USA
Phone: 8882359042
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Savings to go
Made unauthorized charges, non stop phone calls, refusal to give real contact info

Premier Benefits
Ripoff Dishonest practices and fraudulent billing

Universal Buyers Club
They scammed me
Beware of Government Repo Ads! Offer fraudulent websites, do not exist. Received cancellation confirmation #, but still deducted $19.80 from my checking account

Edison Publishing
Consumer Report

America Online
90 day trial rip-off

Shopper Select
This company is a total scam. They will not cancel your trial and will try to charge you as much as they can! Don't give them you're number Did not cancel the membership when I called and charged my credit card. Site

Subscriber Services - Health Benifits Club
Will not cancel the subscription or refund the money they charged me and stop calling

Archives. Come
Consumer Report