Federal Pardons Canada
Consumer Report


Hi contacted Alex Keeling on Aug 13 and started the application to receive a US waiver. I paid the "urgent" option and was told 6/8 months. On two different occassions I receieved an email from Alex giving two dates it was to be done. They have both came and went and here it is has been 18 months and I havent heard anything since Oct when Carla told me that it was done and we would receive the package in the mail. We have received NOTHING and they will not return emails or calls. I am a Paralegal student and I have since mailed a demand letter for a refund. It will cost me more in the long run but I think small claims is the way to go. If anyone wants to jump in I can help you get started on your own! I did contact the Upper Law Society and they said they dont have jursidiction being Alex is NOT a licensed Paralegal! So contacting them dose nothing! I did contact the BBB too where Carla called me a liar and once I pasted the emails via the BBB she NEVER did respond. This compay is a HUGE scam! I agree we should all pull together and have them shut down. I will be talking to my Paralegal teacher tomorrow about how to go about this and if we can put them on the CTV show Market Place for them to investagate them! Let me know if you are in!!!

Company: Federal Pardons Canada
Country: USA
State: ON
City: Toronto
Address: 100 Consilium Place, Suite 200
Phone: 8009065444
Site: federalpardons.ca
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Federal Pardons Canada
Consumer Report

Alexander Keeling
Will rip you off

Pardons Canada
Consumer Report

Federal Pardons Canada
Consumer Report

Federal Pardons Canada
Consumer Report

Federal Pardons Canada
Consumer Report

Federal Pardons Canada
Took money and never delivered service

Federal Pardons Canada
Consumer Report

Federal Pardons of Canada
Consumer Report

Federal Pardons Canada
Consumer Report