West Coast Property Michael Sacks
Chelsey Bueker Chelsey Bueker was working with loan mod. Then quit because of truble with BofA loan holders


We work together for about 2 years then the company just stop answering any of our calls. There was a problem with the holder of our morgage. BofA held the loan but the seperate party the held the loan on our morgage would not work with West Coast Property. So the took our money nad left us high and dry. Two years later we finally got help thru our local Congressman Duncan Hunter District 52D of California. Phone 202-225-5672. BoA was still giving us isuses. We set a second letter to BofA and the CEO of public relations granted a 2% for 5 years. Then 1% added the 6th year, so the max of the loan will be 4.3/8 max. West coast property stole $1,495.

Thanks for your help! Dale *

Company: West Coast Property Michael Sacks
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 18092 Skypark South Suite D
Phone: 8003485981
Site: theloanmodpros.com
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