Consumer Report


I went on my bank and found a purchase from this company. Not only don't i know who they are i don't know how they got my information. I called and spoke to a mark baginsky (if that is his real name) and he said he found the transaction and he will cancel this purchase. He said i should see a refund in 2-3 days. I will see if i get one.

I believe it is coming from someone on xbox live. Not sure. But that is the last place i was on right before this happened.

People please be very aware and check your statements or your purchases every day to make sure that you are not being scammed.

I will update you if i get the refund.

Company: XGameGallery
Country: USA
Phone: 5594814292
Site: xgamegallery.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

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Microsoft *Xbox Live Bill. Xbox.com
Consumer Report