Cordell and Cordell
Dads divorce Maximum cost, no results and will force you into bankruptcy


Avoid this Preditory Organization at all cost! They will pray on men going through divorce, using the focus of your children, hence Once they get your credit card, they will milk it dry until you have to use the next one. They put things in writing that sound Great, however most of the stuff is boiler-plate information to begin my case, paid excess of 60K, (yes, $60,000.00) in fees and through the negligence of my representation from Cordell & Cordell, I am faced with years of debt and received minimim parenting time with my children, and basically lost everything I had, all due to this organization not contesting anything the ex-wife said. The Ex wife lied the whole duration of the case, and I even had proof of things that was never even presented during the case to counter all the lies and untruths. This is only a start, but I would urge anyone wanting to utilize this organization to do their homework first. I regret, I did not and am paying dearly. This is only a start, but if I can make a stand against this organization and save other men (and women) lot's of heartache, it will be well worth the effort. I have nothing to lose now, as due to the poor representation of Cordell & Cordell, I have already lost it all and in the midst of financial bankruptcy. Don't believe Indiana is a 50/50 state either. My ex received more like 75% of the assets, maximum child support as a result of her lying about her income, was awarded the marital home, and as part of spousal support (Yes, in Indiana), I get to pay (2) years for her addition, I was awarded to Pay half of her attorneys fees too. This is only a start, but just be lucky you read this and either move to the next domestic attorney, or go to court by yourself. This organization simply will not cut it, and they are all over the internet with complaints. Just a matter of time before justice will prevail. Good Luck!

Company: Cordell and Cordell
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Noblesville
Address: 14297 Bergen Boulevard, suite 100
Phone: 3172148025
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Cordell & cordell
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