Money Plus Save
Consumer Report


Applied for an online loan through a completely different company than this one and got approved; for whatever reason this company 'money plus saver' auto-filled my information and applied THEMSELVES to my bank account.

They've charged 89.00 in fees according to something I filled out online but I did no such thing. The company I was accepted at must have sold my information to this company and now this company is reaching it's hands into my bank account whenever they please, nice.

This is bullshit.

Company: Money Plus Save
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 96069
Address: 8605 Santa Monica Blvd
Phone: 8185284502
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Money Plus Save
Consumer Report
Beware online loan company giving bank information, ripoff

ID Theft Protection
Debited $31.98 Out Of My Account Without My Authorization! This company claims to be an affieliate of a loan company to protect your identity, however, they steal money out of your account without authorization!
I applied for a payday loan, never heard anything back, they took money out of my account, and sold my information

Ez Loan Protection
Ez loan protection scandal

Ambassador Collection
The company withdrawl $300.00 from my checking accounting by an unauthorized ACH deduction

B.I.G. Limited
Scam Loan Sharks

UMG Money Ahead
UMG and Sweepstakes from valid sites

GECC Collected $106.00 every 2 weeks, interest only, for 8 weeks. I never applied for a loan with them

Morrow Park Financial Group
Taking money from trusting individuals