Valve Software
Consumer Report


This happened with me on Christmas Eve. My bank froze my account because there was an unauthorized debit purchase of $100. This will be credited back to my account later.
I've never heard of these people, I do not buy video games or anything like that.
I've filed a fraud report with my local police and am in contact with the FBI about it. I told the bank if they find these people I will file charges and prosecute. If this has happened to you you should file the complaint and agree to press charges!

Company: Valve Software
Country: USA
State: WA
City: Bellevue
ZIP: 98004-5853
Address: 10900 NE 4th St, Ste 500
Phone: 4254075276, 4258899642
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Valve Software
Consumer Report

Valve Software
Consumer Report

Valve Software
Consumer Report

Valve Software
Consumer Report

Valve Software
Consumer Report

Credit Card fraud by

Valve Software
Consumer Report

Valve Software
Consumer Report

Valve Software
Consumer Report

Steam Bad Customer Service, Rip Off Artists, Take your money and hide in a hole