Garrett Charles
Drunken ignorant low life drug dealer strikes again


I though Garrett was a nice guy! But now I know different! This drunken slob who thinks he is a tough when he is all boozed up and has numbers on you with his homeboys is nothing but another low life coward, small time dope dealer, who spent a good portion off his life selling dope and living off the good taxpayers of America!

If you don't believe me go too and follow it to the PA stat criminal web site. And see what this low life is all about. Make sure you have a lot of time because Garret rap sheet is as long as a book! Dam holmes you most be the worse dope dealer ever it looks like you got caught a couple times a year. You better stick to drinking s chasing ho"s and collecting welfare..

Don't to buisness with this slick talking jerk. But thats just my opinion after looking at his rap sheet and seeing his drunken behavio

Company: Garrett Charles
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pottstown
Address: changes to often to know
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