Forged Check Was Used To Collect Money From My Account
Consumer Report


A forged check was lunched into my account by your company to collect the sum of &98.00. On the 20th of dec.
My bank gave me your infomation and we are looking forward for you to return the amount sos

Company: Forged Check Was Used To Collect Money From My Account
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 96069
Address: 8605 Santa Monica Blvd
Phone: 8185284502
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Mickie chavez
Consumer Report

Fidelity Information Corporation
Took forged contract to try to collect false debt

This place forged my husbands name on a check to steal 49.95 from us. They also had his ss
Consumer Report

AllianceOne Receivables Management, Inc
Trying to collect a debt not owed by me

Youth incentive marketing inc
Forged my check to a different amount

The Liberty Discount Club illegally took money out of my account in the amount of $29.91 without my authorization. I never heard of them or their website They forged my name and ss

Alan L. Melotek, Tara Melotek
Forged signature on bond check, and cashed money that was not theirs

Well Fargo Bank Regional Office
Rip-off Accepted a forged check by a third party & would not discuss this situation professionally

Forged a check to my citibank account for $99.75 on behalf of greenzap inc. Ripoff Milton