WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report


I ordered a trial order at 4.95 each on December 4. I received them and then noticed 2 charges on my bank statement of $159.97. When I called they said I did not cancel within the 14 days. I never saw anything that noted this. They did cancel my account but will not refund the money deducted from my account. I want to see this scam punished.

Company: WorldWide Capital, LTD
Country: USA
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WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report

WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report

WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report

Premium Mega Saver, Capital First Bank
Charged my account for trial periods that I never received notification on

WorldWide Capital, LTD
Consumer Report

Capital First
Ripoff consumer fraud business

Capital First
Ripoff Fraudulent billing

Capital First Bank

Capital First
Consumer fraud ripoff, rip-off business from hell, deceptive company, corruption

Worldwide Capital
Consumer Report