Barnes, Bloom, & Associates
Law Office and Debt Collectors


Hello. I received 2 phone calls last week, 2 days apart, and one call this week regarding a pay day loan debt from Rachel Grant with Barnes, Bloom, and Associates. Rachel left threatening voicemails stating that I had a debt that needed to be taken care of, and if I didn't call back, she'd file a warrant for my arrest. Since this was my first experience dealing with this scare tactic, I called back within 24 hours to address the issue. Rachel had my personal info and wouldn't release any info regarding the nature of her call until I confirmed my personal information. Once my personal info. Was confirmed, she told me that an old payday loan company was collecting on a bad check, that I committed fraud, and legal action was pending unless I paid off the debt today. I told her I needed to process what she just told me since I've never been threatened with arrest for a payday loan. Rachel transferred me to Wade Massey. Funny thing is the call dropped 3x's and I called back. Wade explained to me very rudely that I owed the money and needed to pay it that day or Id be arrested for fraud, and my response was I didn't commit fraud and I needed something in writing to confirm this debt since it was over 6 years ago since I heard of this debt. I told him I did not receive any correspondence with his company regarding this debt. He had my old bank name as well, but I still didn't confirm the debt, only telling him I needed to call him back. After calming down after the call, I researched online regarding scare tactics from debt collectors regarding pay day loans and was surprised to of read this type of deceptive tactic is in fact fraud! Luckily, I didn't give this company any $. Today, I called Rachel again because she left another message to obtain additional info on her company and request written validation regarding this debt. Rachel didn't give me the address to her company, only offered to gvie the email out instead, in which I flatly rejected that option. She then transferred me to David Pritchett and first he said he'd give me the P.O. Box address, but first wanted to verify my phone number. I didn't budge and asked again for the address and written validation. I wanted to know they had my personal information, yet this company was having a problem giving me their physcial address. Suffice it to say, he threatened me with arrest for check fraud and I told him I didn't commit check fraud, and to prove that I did by giving it to me in writing. David hung up on me. When I called back, I got Rachel one last time and she told me she was done talking to me and she was taking further action. I said how can that be when I never received anything from your company, and she lied claiming that I did receive it, and I said no I didn't. She hung up on me. My next step is to submit a complaint with the BBB and FCRA. Thank you.

Company: Barnes, Bloom, & Associates
Country: USA
Phone: 8164639432
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