Milanus Aka BGM
Milanus Aka B.G.M. Aka BGM ebay ripoff Flaky 18 K Legal Gold Fill. Bare metal showing


Company sells jewelry as legal 18K gold fill... Which means it is supposed to have a solid thick gold layer on the outside.

However a bead was boken I went to replace it. Bent the wire and the stuff flaked off. Been working with gold fill -never done that. Then I moved another bead... And there was bare metal. He is painting this gold. And calling gold fill. Other auctions said Gold plated. Which is not the same as gold fill.

He nicely authorized a refund but never refunded money... I even sent Him a Paypal invoice. Note his comments..

""Your 20.48 money request has been canceled. Have a nice day.""

Anyone know a good Florida contact to get results???

Ms. Xyz,

We are sorry you are having problems.
We do not expect you to keep the goods when did not like it. Please return your all items with a copy of this email authorizing your return together with the invoice you received when you purchased the goods.

When we receive the items we will issue a return refund to you.

Regarding the Paypal thing, I really canot tell you what to do, in the the morning or even at night or never at at all. It is up to you to do as you wish.

Best regards,
Robert Barreto
Milanus Inc.

Original Message
From: xyz [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13 1:01 AM
To: Robert Barreto
Subject: Re: ebay earrings purchase

This is xyz Certified Fraud Examiner.

One of your earrings had a broken seed bead, so I replaced it with a pearl. Funny thing. The ALLEGED solid 18K gold fill starting flaking off. I highly recommend you remedy the situation at your earliest convenience. Soon as I inform Paypal they will hit you with a ten dollar chargeback fee to add insult to injury.

$15.00 plus 4.50 shipping Plus Tax 20.48
Purchased 8-5

These are not 18k gold filled legal definition. Per your listing.

Company: Milanus Aka BGM
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 8885290607
  <     >  

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