EMarket Research Group
Ripoff Online


I filled out the free Bank of America $500.00 gift card offer through Emarket Research Group. I got as far as them saying I qualified for the offer and to submit my email address and click on a security link in an email being sent to verify my mailing address. Then I was to fill out a form and mail it in.

I have never recieved an email with a link, I tried sending an email to the help desk and have gotten no reply (its been a week now) and so far I have to agree that this offer is bogus. I wish it weren't! I signed up for 6 of the top offers, that I would never had done if i wasn't promised the $500.00 gift card! What a waste of time!

Company: EMarket Research Group
Country: USA
Site: emarketresearchgroup.com
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EMarket Research Group

EMarket Research Group
Does not respond to online support or submit email as specified

Emarket Research Group
Beware emarket research group is a ripoff! You will waste your money and time and never see your reward!

EMarket Research Group
Ripoff fraud non-response dishonest online ipod free offe

Emarket Research Groups

EMarket Research
Ripoff Keep going, keep going, bang! Shut down my whole system, all info lost, no free gift, email comes back undeliverable

EMarket Research Group
Emarket Research ripoff

Emarket Research Group
Ripoff the company said that if i filled out one offer to recieve a nintendo ds and two offers to recieve a sony video which was a big lie

Emarket Research
Ripoff deceptive dishonest and a scam They have you conplete a very long survey with the promise of a $250.gift card There is no gift card

Emarket Research Group
Ripoff-promised to send me a bank of america gift card for $500-never got it