Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report


I ordered the product with the agreement that I would pay shipping charges only. That was on the 29th of Nov. There was no mention of a membership. Last Saturday I received a call from a company rep who congratulated me on my purchase and offered up a "celebrity" personal trainer. He gave me the trainers name and I declined the offer. I didn't care for the product so I tossed it. Today, reconciling my bank statement I noted a charge that was unauthorized. After hitting dead end after dead end I finally found this celebrity trainer and asked him what his involvement was with this company. He told me that he had never heard of them. I called my bank and was told to fill out a form demanding stop payment on my account which at this point and time was pending. FINALLY, I found a number and made a call to the company where I spoke to a rep who defended the order. I flipped out... And I have now called the State Attorney General's Office to report this company. DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM THEM! They're trolling and phishing legit credit card numbers!

Company: Lipo Slim Extreme
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Celebrity sexy teeth
Celebrity Sexy Teeth - celebrity sexy teeth

Celebrity Sexy Lip, Ionlineorders, Wellwatchersmd
After accepting a $4.99 charge for shipping, another screen came up with a different amount charged. I would get a rebate to get the special

Celebrity White Teeth
Unauthorized charge

Celebrity Teeth
Sexy Put an unauthorized $99.00 charge on my credit card

Nubodi, Celebrity Fit Online, GreenTColon
Various merchant names, various phone numbers, ALL one company that repeats orders and bills! No way to CANCEL!

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

30 Day Slim, Acai Green Tea Fusion, Acai GT Blend, My VIP Fit, Your VIP Fit, DSM Acai Green Tea
Cannot contact company to cancel unauthorized order (they gave me 14 days to cancel when I ordered trial for $3.95) Unknown

Caralluma extreme
Unauthorized charges

Advanced Wellness Research
Unauthorized charges