Advanced Wellness Research
Unauthorized charges

Business & Finance

I ordered the 'Free' trail and paid shipping. I was allergic to it and spoke to a man about canceling any the meantime I received two more bottles and was charged 78.81. I called again and was told I was within the alloted time to return the product and assured there would be no more sent. When

The charge of 78.81 on March2 has never been removed from my checking account. I called the listed number again today and was told they had 'no record' of ever charging my account. The person I was talking to could hardly speak English and kept whispering to someone for answers to my questions.

Finally after some time and much whispering, she told me to send them I copy of my bank statement. When I asked for a post office box she refused to give me one and told me I could only fax it to the web site.

I have contacted my bank, changed the card and am hoping someone can help me to keep this from happening again and to get my money back.

This company should be put out of business immediately.

I will send a report to the Attorney General for the State as well.

Company: Advanced Wellness Research
Country: USA
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Advanced Wellness Research
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