AT&T DSL Internet


I called ATT in regards to billing, was on hold for 70 minutes, cut off twice, and transferred to the wrong department. They lost an electronic payment that I made through my credit union. They are over charging me for my DSL service. I have my credit union statements to prove I do not owe them what they say I owe them. I have never experienced such rotten service for a huge corporation. Something should be done about this. I filed a complaint with the FCC.

Company: AT&T DSL Internet
Country: USA
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Horrid Service

AT&T DSL Internet
Terrible Customer service

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Transunion, Experian
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AT&T is overcharging me and sent me to a bill collector. I have been a customer since 2001 & pay my bills. I have excellent credit! They are a rip off!
My Cash Career, Internet Cash Machines Internet Fraud, Unauthorized Credit Card Billing

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