Consumer Report


Iorderd a mini hi fi they took the money out of my account and i have not yet recived it yet after 4 weeks ago. I phoned them and emailed them but no response. If i dont hear anything soon i will report it to my bank and they will sort it out

Company: Wmasters.co.uk
Country: USA
City: Derbyshire
Address: Osmaston Park Road, Derby
Phone: 08444874069
Site: wmasters.co.uk
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Wholesale Masters (WMasters.co.uk)
Consumer Report

Mini Credit Report.com
Recived text message that my bank account was empty they took all but. 90 cents

Consumer Report

Putify Naturally
Consumer Report

Revita La Peau
Consumer Report

Hewlitt Packard Co
Dismal Repair Experience

Mini Credit Report.com
Ripped off by Free Credit report and Mini Credit Report.com

YourMoney. Tv
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

What a deal dvd
What a deal! Will take your money and deliever nothing watch out!