New embark queen pillow-top raised air bed with external pump had holes in it! - embark


I purchased at Target the new embark queen pillow-top bed with extrenal pump earlier in this year at my Champaign, IL. Store. I purchased it in case I had company and needed it but had not had to take it out of the box until Tuesday, December4th. Never ever having a problem with anything else I have ever bought at Target, and there has been plenty, I never even open the box until I needed it. When we blew up the air mattress everything looked ok, family slept on it and ended up on the floor before the night was over. We discovered a hole in it so we patched the hole and aired up again. Next night it was even worse. There are several holes in it!!! This really makes me very mad as I had not kept the receipt being the fool I was and thinking, new, it should have been OK, will it was not!!! I am out the money and will NEVER buy anything like this again and not take it out of the box when I get home to look at it and will never again buy anything like this at Target!!! Just thought you should know incase you have had other complaints against this company. I see this name more and more but will NEVER buy their products anywhere! I certainly will look better and not by made in China as I noticed it said when I was looking at the box today!!!

Country: USA
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Embark Air Bed Missing Parfs - embark
Air mattress

Target Stores
TARGET STORES sell crap and says screw you. Ripoff

False and deceptive labeling of bedding

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