Doubleday Book Club

Literature & Books

When I enrolled it was my understanding that if I decined that month's featured selections - I would not have my bank account depleted. It doesn't matter if you decline or not - they have stolen $45 - $46 every time. It is also stated that the selections will be offered every 3 wks. Since when did 3 weeks become 10 or 11 days? In my mind, my bank account should only have been accessed 3 times in 63 days.instead, it's been accessed 3 times in 35 days. Stay away from this company - they are liars, and theives. I have called, gotten it stopped at my bank (they just changed the accout # and started stealing again), written cancel on every item they send when I return it unopened. Nothing works! I guess the next step is to close my bank account. Thanks for all the extra charges, and now the monumental task of changing everything. Maybe then it will stop.

Company: Doubleday Book Club
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
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Doubleday Book club
Complaint - Misleading Practices

Doubleday Book Club
Cancelled and Closed account after many years of doing business, account now in collections


BMC Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

Doubleday Book Club
After cancelling my account, Doubleday continued to send me books The account is now in collection

BMC Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

BMC Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

BMC Doubleday Book
Consumer Report

BMC Doubday Book
Consumer Report

Doubleday Book club
Doubleday book clu