Barnes and Noble
Poor Customer Service

Literature & Books

Particular employee always shows poor service. Drops the F-bomb constantly and slams the books and magazines when putting them on shelves. When asked for books relating to differing political views/religious beliefs, mutters about customers going to hell, etc.

Company: Barnes and Noble
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Danbury
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Barnes & Noble
No credit for returned books

Consumer Report

Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Barnes & not so Noble Booksellers

Barnes and Noble Ala Moana Shopping Center - liz employee - Honolulu, Hawaii
Liz the employee of B & N - rude, cocky, arrogant, no manners

Barnes and Noble
Customer Service

Barnes & Noble, Inc
Shady dealings with Barnes&Noble as a previous manager

Barone Books NY
Consumer Report

Barnes and Noble
"Free" e-books NOT!

Barnes and noble
Students Beware!
Consumer Report