Bottom Line Books
800 # refers you to INTERNATIONAL phone #

Literature & Books

Not able to discover return target or Telephone #. Got 800# from data and was known Worldwide # no showing what that costs. Might be $300.00 per minute. Didn't call that range.

Company: Bottom Line Books
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
  <     >  


Bottom Line Books
International #

Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

Bottom Line Books
Bottom Line Secrets Unwanted Bills for Unwanted Books!

Bottom Line Books
Sent me books I didn't want and want to send back, but I don't know where to sent them Des Moines, Iowa

Bottom Line Books
Unrequested book

Bottom Line Books
Bottom Line Books

Bottom Line Books
Getting books that I didn't order and also sent request to cancel membership

Bottom Line Books
They sent me books as to which I did not order

Bottom Line Books
Receiving Books I did not order

Bottom Line Books
Sent unordered books to me by mail with a hefty bill Des Moines