Bottom Line Books
Did not order book

Literature & Books

I did not order this book and I will not pay postage to return it.

Company: Bottom Line Books
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
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Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

Bottom Line Books
Receiving Books I did not order

Bottom Line Books
They sent me books as to which I did not order

Bottom Line Books
Did not order anything, but receiving bills

Bottom Line Books
Sent and Billed for book I never ordered. No Phone Number to complain. Returned Book which was sent back

Bottom Line Books
Claimed I ordered on line

Bottom Line Books
Unsolicited books

Bottom Line Books
They are sending me books that I did not order and billing me for them. I am sick of it!

Bottom Line Books
Sent me books I didn't want and want to send back, but I don't know where to sent them Des Moines, Iowa

Bottom Line Books
I am reporting this fraudulent company name "BOTTOM LINE BOOKS." I Am Not Sure Because I Visted Serveral Sits. Maybe Sugar Land