Movement Sales Enterprises
Never received purchase

Literature & Books

Never conduct business with doorway to gates if you don't can buy onsight. I bought publications from the door-to-door salesman since she was attempting to remain "clear" which was her "last purchase of your day". The publications might consider 6 - 2 months. Never received them. Named and was informed publications were "stopped". Needed to send to get a return. 6 months later still no return. Named again, check had been delivered that week. 2 nights later obtained phone from them declaring publications were delivered 3 months before of course if I needed a reimbursement would need to return them. I'venot gotten them. Woman on telephone would not I'd like to talk to other people. Absolutley nothing I will do about this. They got me... Trick me once pity you... Trick me twice... Pity on me... I will assure I will not be confused again.

Company: Movement Sales Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Michigan City
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True Vision Inc

Burberry Books
No refund
Poor Customer Service

Bottom Line Books
Unauthorized sending of books

Movement Sales, Inc
Don't believe on door to door sales persons

Movemeant Sales
Publications requested, not received

Dynasty Sales
Misunderstanding of revenue

Movemeant Sales Enterprises
Door-to-door Sales Scam

American Reading Club
Companies paid for not made

Atlantic Circulation, Inc
Never gotten publications