Chicago Tribune (Local Values)
Deborah Winfield

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

To: Chicago Tribune

I'm not attempting to be an upset individual, but I'm fed up with your employees providing the neighborhood ideals and also the hoy to my home. I expected them-not to provide it however they proceed to do this. I'm really irritated by this and that I feel I ought to not need to cope with this. I continue reading the paper (easily wish to cancell the shipping) nicely, used to do not register for that document, therefore! I ought to not need togo through all this. Easily need to I'll prosecute your organization for making your ad on me and littering my home together with your spam. They (employees) are tossing your documents over my fencing. I've been coping with this for five or even more years. After I first moved here-there was no shipping of the document. Therefore, please QUIT! The shipping.


Ms. Deborah Winfield

July 09

Company: Chicago Tribune (Local Values)
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
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End shipping - i don't want to buy

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