Credit Union
Credit Union Discriminatory Retaliation

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

Any lawyer who wants to represent, or any one with helpful information can contact me

This situation began with unauthorized and unjustified removal of funds out of my account. My complaints were generally met with apathy. The rules of this institute continued to increase, but its customer service and customer products (such as atm withdrawals) never work. I continued to complain, and the institute has now launched a campaign against me.

Today's Event 10-3-08 has physical witnesses and video survelliance. Depending on to what extent CREDIT UNION has taken it's "watch Gary" campaign, there might be audio to support what I am reporting. I have already contacted the CREDIT UNION Neptune, NJ Branch Manager to inform them of this event. And no, it's not me "looking for trouble". It's an ongoing event with the very same teller whom CREDIT UNION chose to believe, when CREDIT UNION accused me of demanding money that wasn't mine.

This letter is being sent to the CREDIT UNION Supervisory Committee, the NCUA Inspector General, and the New Jersey State Attorney General's office. I am also using it to send to any who have asked me to keep them aware of this ongoing situation.

I have to give some background information for the newer contactees. If I was to give all information, we'd be here for hours.

I have no choice but to handle this situation this way, because CREDIT UNION has engaged in a slur campaign against me. As I warned in 2004 this disrespectful attitude has descended into some CREDIT UNION employees. CREDIT UNION began a video and phone recording (survelliance) against me even playing this information (disregarding confidentiality concerns) to their employees. One CREDIT UNION employee called my family's house to warn them that CREDIT UNION was out to get me, that CREDIT UNION was saying that I am crazy, and the CREDIT UNION feels that I am trying to do something either illegal or harmful to CREDIT UNION. I know that this CREDIT UNION employee was not lying because they knew the actual things I said on the Neptune, NJ's Branch Manager's (Name removed) phone.

The employee even knew that I made one late night ATM withdrawal. CREDIT UNION said that I was acting suspicicious and "hanging" out in the CREDIT UNION parking lot when I made this transaction. CREDIT UNION has the video footage. What did I do that was so "suspicious" or "anti CREDIT UNION"? This clearly supported that CREDIT UNION has problems with me, and it also is a very racist statement.

From the beginning of CREDIT UNION's callousness. I have tried to contact them and resolve these matters. I have never been rude to any one or many any type of illegal statements against CREDIT UNION. If my communications became more passionate or intent it is because CREDIT UNION and many of its employees have shown a very callous and apathetical response to any of my legitimate concerns. CREDIT UNION representatives have implied that I should move to another bank (no, my Parents selected this Credit Union for me about 40 years ago), or die (because of my health problems. My family suffers from diabetes, hypertension, and a host of other medical conditions). Again, the issue is not me. The issues are: 1) CREDIT UNION establishing rules the the average, struggling person can't financially submit to, 2) CREDIT UNION failing to do it's job as a Credit Union when it comes to deposits and withdrawals, and 3) Some CREDIT UNION employees who can seperate their non working attitudes from the professionalism needed for the work place. This attitude has caused one female teller to "walk" an attitdue problem which finally has been caught with physical evidence and witnesses.

I'm not complaining about human mistakes. We all make them. I have always apologized if I made a mistake. I honestly don't remember CREDIT UNION ever accepting responsibilities for their errors.instead, CREDIT UNION launched the "get Gary" campaign with audio and video survelliances. And I'm assuming my drive thru wait time is longer because they are inside photo copying everything. This is very fact, it's gotten to the point that it's almost hilarious. I'm a 40 some what year member of CREDIT UNION. I'm hosted access tv shows for over a decade. I've worked with all major authorities actually "shutting down" unethical business.

And the worst part is, I actually go out my way to avoid situations such as this. It's CREDIT UNION's own "god with attitude" complex that continues to land complaints. Many of my complaints actually extend past 20 years. As a world wide Author, I've known for the most part on the positive side of things. So of course I take issue with CREDIT UNION ever questioning my ethics or intentions. I still ask, CREDIT UNION what have I ever did that would even imply I want anything from you other than you and your employees do your job. Millions of Americans do that very same thing every day.

This is the event that transpired today 10-3-08 Friday. Again, I have physical evidence and witnesses:

1) The exact same teller who told me my calculations were wrong months ago (when CREDIT UNION implied that it was my own doing, when it actually was the teller who ill advised me), told me that my today's calculations were trying to avoid any further problems with CREDIT UNION, my family and I "did the math (calculations)". I wrote a note, and I even said "thanks" on the note. You are free to see the note. I didn't write anything mean or demanding.

I wrote: "2- 50's and 10-20's Thanks". I wanted 300 dollars the past, this teller gave me big bills. Most of the stores I shop at don't like 50's or larger trying to work with CREDIT UNION (which is where I always get myself into "trouble". When I returned the Branch Manger's phone calls, CREDIT UNION took my recorded messages and tried to use them against me. CREDIT UNION should know that I am a very open, personable, and spiritual person. I talk the same way on my cable show), I actually asked for only 2 50's. This teller has always shown an attitude problem (I guess she's mad because of the earlier event concerning her), she rushes my money through the system. When the Branch Manager is not there, this teller just sends my money and identification through the electronic shoot in a container with out an envelope). My family has also experienced this. We always felt that 1) things could get lost that way and 2) It's "tacky" (unprofessional).

My concern was that this teller would just give me all large bills to speed up whatever "watch Gary's transactions" they are doing inside the bank (I stopped going inside the Credit Union around 2005 after another teller repeatedly was disrespectful). So I wrote a polite note and I even said Thanks. So I did nothing to aggravate this female. Yet, she always has to have a "little attitude". I'm an old man. I know from experience that attitudes or arrogance will eventually lead to unnecessary actions or mistakes.

So the teller told me my calculations were wrong. I tried to tell her what I wanted. You should have all of this on CREDIT UNION survelliance tape. They watch me hoping to catch something. Hopefully they will use the tapes to solve their ongoing errors.

2) Even though I told the teller what I wanted, not only did she give me her own dispensing, but she put all the money in the envelope with no order or arrangement (as I said rushing me out of the drive thru because she apparently has issues with me). For anyone arrogantly saying, "big deal, you got the money. Why are you complaing?" Ok, let's see you go to the shopping store and have the bagger just throw everything in the bags with no order or arrangement? My family are all CREDIT UNION members. They are very upset with CREDIT UNION's childish actions. My family said that that teller did that deliberately to "annoy" me. But I blame CREDIT UNION more than that teller. CREDIT UNION allows this "Gary's a nut case. Get Gary. Watch Gary" atmosphere to exist.

It was only about 9:05 AM so the teller can't say she was rushing to other customers. And it's not my fault that CREDIT UNION violated my civil rights and discriminated against me by launching this "Get Gary" campaign. I was sitting in the Drive-thru wandering how could I pull all the money out putting the 50's together, the 20's together, and the 10's to count the money. But I didn't want to hold up the Drive-Thru line. I'm not this angry black guy that the likes of CREDIT UNION attempt to paint us out to be. I'm a hard working African American male. I'm not looking for trouble. Call my employer. They all love me there. Various races and ethnic groups. They're all good hardworking people.

I pulled my car up from the Drive Thru. I counted everything and arranged it. I got home and called Name removed. She is the Branch Manager for CREDIT UNION Neptune, NJ Branch. I got Branch manager answering machine and left a message.

CREDIT UNION can't "slither" it's way out of this one. Just like I told you before, that teller ill advised me which is why I thought CREDIT UNION owed me money. That teller not only ill advised me today, she arrogantly "threw" the money into the envelope which I've never witnessed any teller do in my 40 somewhat years of living.

I'll continue to seek the means to get CREDIT UNION to do its job. It would be wise to stop the "get Gary" campaign. As an African American male, I have seen "hate" and "false accusations" all my life. My trust will always be in God Almighty despite whatever happens in this life.

Any lawyer who wants to represent, or any one with helpful information can contact me



New Jersey

Company: Credit Union
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
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