Rotstein And Shiffman
Public corruption

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

These corrupt white collar criminals recruit their victims, their victims are the vulnerable population. They deliberately neglect their clients . What I found was very disturbing . After a fake SSI hearing I found that we had conflicts of interest including the ALJ Alice Jordan. I did receive an admission in writing of the conflict of interest . Kara Evans aka Tocarra Evins is person recruiting the victims and Michael and John never ever contact you, then Tocarra sends you to Azya Benjamin or Erin Doran , then they may tell you your attorney was switched to Stephanie Sweet a guardian ad litem , who claims she has no idea who they even are , then she will ditch you 30 min of your hearing and a divorce attorney whose a registered violent offender named Slade Setmos will come in and finish you off. It's a large collaboration and half if them are family law attorneys. ALJ Alice Jordan was a conflict of interest who retored in 2013 , passed away in 20 and still held fake hearings beyond the grave . This is an immaculate scheme, they pull it on mental health patients the most I've found in their bad reviews, what I think is happening is a form of human trafficking, a guardian ad litem after you sign these attorneys as your reps deem you incompetent with your knowledge , then they lobby against you , they do this st the hearing level so you can't get real legit legal council bc nobody will represent you after this level , and the appeals council won't ev3n look at your appeal without an attorney. I received an email by the ssa stating I owed for overpayment. Yet I was denied for lack of evidence that I was deliberately kept from submitting , I wasn't even allowed to have my paperwork upgraded to a disk. This is an extreme organized crime that's being covered up and I'm looking to start a class action lawsuit against these abusers. They are probably contractors , as you may have noticed the gamg stalkers surrounding you , they are investigators making more to humiliate and divert you than you'd make in a lifetime of payments. They also took my 300,000 settlement from an ELNY liquidation I signed for , and trust me it's a network from your drs and hospitals refusing to treat and diagnose you that these attorneys own shares of , to the deceased ALJs, to the insider at the SSA, to trust funds, to class actions you are probably beneficiaries of , and in this bizarre twist they all get wealthy off embezzling your back pay , your benefits , your settlements , your inheritances , and they wait til a statue runs out that you don't know you have this money and they sell your trusts and accounts to themselves and put them in a trust . Medicaid and insurance companies also involved . We gotta be smarter than this and stop allowing it to happen , and if you're like me I read all the reviews before I started looking for attorneys so I thought i was safe, when I was recruited by them if I'd known they had a 1 star rating I would never have hired them, I thought they were answering my call not actually grooming me as their next victim. There must be something done about these organized criminals who keep covering their tracks and the ABA enables it , we must fight back or they will never stop.
Company: Rotstein And Shiffman
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Daytona Beach
ZIP: 32118
Address: 309 Oakridge Blvd Suite 200
Phone: 3862525560
Site: Rotstein and Shiffman law firm


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