Arcade Currency Palace, Ahmet Sandikci, Buying Poltical letters etc
Fraud, Scam Artist, Liar & Crook

Internet & Web / Online Scam

The corporation is giving cash towards the republican party despite the fact that he's a registered Democrat. Consequently for his contributions he's given characters and wards through his lies and deceptive techniques to these folks. I suppose whenever your eager you will undergo good measures to impress the general public together with your taken care of characters and prizes. Simply lookup political contributions for Ahmet Sandikci and you'll begin to see the cash funneled through the Turkish Coalition of America to politicians. A depressing time in the USA for all those politicians who're just like eager to consider cash fraudulently acquired from aged americans. You shouldn't be confused but be careful when coping with this easy talker niceguy tactic person. I'm confident you-all understand that anybody can purchase characters and prizes based on your contributions to politicians. Therefore you shouldn't be confused it is no endorsment to Game Currency structure as he'd as if you to think but characters and prizes to obtain more cash... Gee... I really could create my consultant in California and have to get a proclamation and obtain someone to hold on my wall. I nevertheless won't utilize it to publish on my site such as this man does at to deceive everyone like they recommend his company they learn nothing about. The only real company this person understands is just how to defraud americans and attempt to con you from the hard earned cash. Simply ask the numerous individuals who submitted grievances with law enfrocement or his ex company affiliates he has lied on or scammed.

Company: Arcade Currency Palace, Ahmet Sandikci, Buying Poltical letters etc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
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Ahmet Sandikci, Arcade Currency Palace, Porscheahmet
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Arcade Currency Palace
Scam artist