
Internet & Web / Online Scam


Authorized $ 2.95 for a people search and was charged $19.95 for two months and also was signed up for At Home Rewards. And was also charged $19.95 for that. I cancelled my check card so this should stop them from getting any more money out of my account. Had to call twice to get them to cancel both the People Search and At Home Rewards. Something needs to be done about these people. I'm on a fixed income and this hurts.

Company: Intelius
Country: USA
State: Texas
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Paid for People Search, but the information they provided was information I had already given to Intelius trying to locate a person using their phone number. I cancelled the service the same day (6/6/ Internet

At Home Rewards
These people need to be stopped!

WLI Reservation Rewards

At Home Rewards
I was ripped off by At Home Rewards to the tune of 14.95/mo

Intelius - People Search Company Website
I was ripped off for a "1 time charge"... I now have 2 more charges to my card

At Home Rewards
Charging my account with out my concent, how can they do this

Is wrongfully debited my checking account without my consent

At Home Rewards
Ripoff anada

Complete Scam! They will charge you for not doing anything!

AP9 At Home Rewards
Con artists ripping off people