Money Now Funding They decieved me on the cost of starting a business. They wanted to charge more after paying initial costs

Internet & Web

I was first contacted by Jim Watts from Money Now Funding about starting a business on-line about two weeks ago. He explained that at a later date I would be instructed on how to do this, but I would have to pay $499.00 for a website to be set up, and I did. He said that in a day or two I was to check my e-mail for information being sent to me that had a phone number for me to call to recieve a "welcome orientation".

The next couple of days goes by I recieved the e-mail from them and a lady answered claiming to be a secretary of a man who was supposes to be my coach for helping me to start this business. She set me up with Legaldocs to obtain a LLC license charging me an additional $319.00, and informed me after further conversation that I would not be refunded the initail $499.00 should I determine this business would not profit or if I simply would changed my mind about doing this business. She later said I would be contacted by my coach the next day at an appointed time.

After a week or so goes by I get contacted by a man named Travis claiming he and another who remains nameless would help me get started with the business, but I would have pay an additional $3200.00 to get started. He tried to get me to max out my credit cards to do so. They had already had a website established for me the week before. I then declined this offer because I should have been informed of the additional cost at first contact. This ended up wasting alot of time and money on my part. I would not have risked the $499.00 at the first or the $319.00 for a LLC. My partner and I both have medical problems and are unemployed, I just do odd jobs from time to time. The next day I was called from them telling me that they was lowering the fee to $800.00. I still declined and explained to Travis that I should have been told of the additional fees at first contact. I want the $499.00 back, as well as the $319.00 should the LLC may be a fraud.

Company: Money Now Funding
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 2323 Van Buren St
Phone: 62332143482675
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