Digital River
Active SMART by Ariolic Software, Ltd. Sold software that did'nt work and caused my computer to malfunction

Internet & Web

I went online checking for software to monitor hard drive Temperatures and hard drive condition it was ok for the trial period after I purchased a full version it was alerting me over and over hard drive will fail must back up and replace hard drive immediately I have a brand new hard drive and I tested three other new ones A WD and SEAGATE new out of the box not one of them were bad as i went to my computer repair store and the tech said after running test all were fine. I then removed all the software from both computers and installed one more brand new SEAGATE drive already tested OK and it started to flash over and over hard drive attributes are low and drive is going to fail backup and replace. It would not go away. I emailed the co over and over nobody got back or emailed me from the support dept or even call me after i requested someone to do so. I will call my credit card co tomorrow for a claim to get back my money. I should of know something was funny when it said $29.95, but after i went to pay to use full version it showed up for a charge of only $18.71


Company: Digital River
Country: USA
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DELL Computers
90 year old hearing impaired denied on-site warranty to replace hard drive. Dell mails new hard drive/software. To senior to install! Round Rock

Dell computers
Dell Product Support

Seagate Technology
Do not buy seagate products

Dell computers
Dell Sales and Customer Service

Maxtor (Seagate)
Seagate Technology Click free

Apple Computers
Apple Refuses to refund! Ripoff

Prestige Timeshare Marketing / American Timeshare Marketing
Making a killing on other peoples hard earned money, Fry's Electronics
Sold a used computer as new

Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Hard Drives - HP Pavillion dv6000

Western Digital
Warranty ripoff Replacement Of Defective Hard Drives Fails Customers