Global Media Advertising for a do not reply response. Or Will not Cancel my Account - Extortion

Internet & Web

My experience started July 18 to advertise as exclusive Realtor/agent in my market area for 2 exclusive key word phrases. These key word phrases would be for the search engines yahoo and bing.

The standard for this company is a special for the 1st month term will be waived of the 89.00. The following month would be a charge of 178.00.

On August 29 I called to complain and cancell the service. I had all intentions to cancel earlier but my world was turned upside down with my father being diagnoised with pancreatic cancer. So, on the 29th of August I had the conversation with the representative and they gave me a credit for one month. My understanding was I am cancelling all services, I was suppose to get full credit. Under my current circumstance I did not realize that this representative cancel the 2 key word search phrases, and started a new contract with a new key word phrase. I am continually getting billed 89.00 a month without my permission. Why does this company continue to stay in business? Because of the underlying business practices. This representative obviously did not hear a word I said.

Since my last phone call, I did research from other reports on this company and find out that your services are filtering a rock star career for the owners. And have also seen numerous complaints about this very same business practice about not canceling the service and will continue to charge your account. I also discovered that this company did not live up to their tactics and sold the same key words to other Realtors in my area. Can you say: Extortion?

Company: Global Media Advertising
Country: USA
Address: 6107 SW Murray Blvd #523
Phone: 18003400199
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