Peter rhodes dating site scam sexsearch ripoff fake profiles Toronto

Internet & Web runs under the company name instaclick. Their headquarters is located near liberty village by 107 atlantic avenue in Toronto. The owner is Damian Cross. The place is run by Ed Kunkel who is master of operations. Peter Rhodes runs the customer service department and is in charge of running the shady practices of this company. If you are wanting to put an end to this malicious company ; HERE ARE ALL THE JUICY DETAILS: So you're probably here because you're wondering if there are fake profiles? Well DUH. It isn't rocket science people. You see, what these asshats they do is they hire a bunch of customer service reps and have them reply back to the members of the site, basically making them believe that they are really talking to hot gorgeous women. This is not the case. You are talking to young adults, male and female from ages 20-30 years of age. The operations run 24hrs a day 7 days a week and have 3 shifts that spawn morning, afternoon and night. To make matters more complicated, when you have an inquiry or support question, you are then provided with what they call " canned responses ". If you were a member of the site you will notice how un-personal the replies are. Be advised the department manager of the customer service department is also a homosexual predator (this is a fact) who likes to hire gay men to the company only to take advantage of them. Their building right at the corner of street. Old rickety building. All the facts above are gathered from an internal source who is currently working in the customer service department and has been providing us the information we needed to put and end to this heinous and malicious business practice. On a side note. They are also the people who run The Three KEY people you need to look for is Damian Cross, Ed Kunkel and Peter Rhodes.

Go pay them a visit. 2nd floor. You'll have to get past reception but i guarantee if you wait outside the lobby door you'll be successful in nailing these people down.

Country: USA
Address: 107 atlantic avenue
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Ripoff one out of 15 or 20 for real Sexsearch can't police their own site!
Deceptive. Scam. Like an old carnival game ripoff internet
Sexsearch sent me obviously fake contacts from non-existent members Ripoff Henderson Nevada

Meonyou - New Edge Media
Meonyou is a "CON", just to get your money! Sacremento California
Website is a fake. I have not made correspondence with a single real human, only spam, so don't pay to receive spam. Ripoff! Albuquerque new mexico

Ripoff by sending fake inviting emails by other members


Steven Rhodes
Steve Rhodes,, get out of debt Steven Steve Rhodes and his site Get out of is a scam took money off my son's SSI account without my knowing that account is for my sons disability use only not for any other use please cancel this account asap and deposit my sons money back please