Cyber Defender
Clean My PC Crashed my hard drive

Internet & Web

I purchased Cyber Defender in 2010. After downloading, installing and running the program everything was fine... Until 3 days later when my master boot file couldn't be found and suddenly the blue "screen of death" appeared.

I took my laptop to a computer tech who was unable to get my computer up and running. He also tried running a program to see if he could recover any of the lost files. Out of all the files on my computer, only 5 were recoverable. Diagnosis: my hard drive crashed. A 2nd tech checked it, ran several scans and then another program to see if he could recover any of the lost files... No go. Same diagnosis as the first.

He asked if I recently downloaded any software programs. When I told him I downloaded Cyber Defender a few days prior, he shook his head and explained I'm not the first person who's had problems after installing their software. He suggested I read about them on the internet.

After I was able to get back to cyberspace, I read about Cyber Defender... The only good reviews came from the company itself. I contacted Cyber Defender. When I finally was able to speak to someone who could speak English well enough for us to understand each other, I explained my dilemma. The representative told me the problem was probably caused by a virus and their product wouldn't cause my computer to crash. I told him it did crash my computer and I wanted an immediate refund. He tried to sell me another program ("at a discount"... Of course). I declined and demanded an immediate refund.

We went round and round for a few minutes before I asked to speak to a supervisor. I did speak with one and explained why I wanted a refund. She was very rude and condescendingly told me that they don't give refunds for the reason I gave. I replied that I made the purchase less than 1 week ago and according to their own TOS, refunds are given if requested within 30 days of the original purchase. She offered to give me an additional year's subscription "free" (... Minus the cost of the techs' help and a new hard drive) if I opted not receive a refund; this I declined. After about 10 minutes of talking to her, she grudgingly conceded and told me I would receive a refund in 7-10 business days (it took a month). It took minutes for the charge to appear on my credit card but weeks for it to be refunded?! CYBER DEFENDER IS SYNONYMOUS WITH SCAM!!!

I spent over 2 hours on the phone with Cyber Defender, being transferred around, on hold and calling back when "the phone" hung up on me just so that I could get a refund on a useless and damaging product. I wish I knew back in 2010 this site existed. I've seen the internet and TV ads for "double my speed" and "my clean pc" and thought about trying them... Until I read they're the offspring of Cyber Defender. Run... Don't walk as fast as you can away from anything to do with cyber defender!!!

Company: Cyber Defender
Country: USA
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Cyber Defender
Virus protection that was free cost me 451.40 & my computer is all messed up controled by cyber defender

Cyber Defender

Cyber Defender
Security Suite it is downloading their cyber defender without permission and then in order to get on internet or do anything on your computer you must purchase the software. This is the 3rd time in a yea

Cyber Defender registry cleane

Henry mcpherson
Consumer Report

Cyber Defender
Charged for services I didn't ask fo

Registry Defender
Rip Off, Refused to honor my refund request, did not send me all I paid fo

Cyberdefender - Cyber-Defender
Cyberdefender Cyber-defender SCAMMED me! Total ripp off! Beware

Cyber Defender
HDDSOFTWARESUPPORTCOM This service is a SCAM. They screw up your computer and make you order their program to fix it

Refused to Refund on Product Purchase - until Credit Card Company called them