Claims to Increase your web rankings - DID NOTHING!

Internet & Web

Paid these folks $2990.00 (Two Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety) to incfrease the ranking of my web site to appear at the "Top of the First Page" (actually somewhere on the first page of the searches). Never Happened. Their "spoof" site which was supposed to be search optimized also did not appear anywhere with the search terms that I purchased. My own web site analytics did not show any hits coming from their "optimized" site nor did my own actual site see any boost in any activity.

They claim they had me on the first page with numerous search terms on many, many occasions. I never saw it once! I printed Google search pages, Yahoo search pages, Bing Search pages etc - and neither my site nor the "optimized" site placed anywhere on the first page of the searches at any time.

When I signed up they indicated that if they did not do as advertised I could always dispute it with my credit card company. I did that. They fought it by saying that they gave me extra keywords and offered me other items and longer contract terms. If the original keywords did not work that I paid for, why should they decide what other keywords they should give me and just extend the term of something that was not working anyway?

They have not made good on the SEO and have not refunded any of my money. Please everyone - call them at 877-332-2960 and tell the to refund my money!

Country: USA
Address: 1091 S Cimarron Suite A4
Phone: 702560573
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Consumer Report
Chris Schlegel offered a service on submitting websiite with keywords to Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, etc for a fee